What’s like for entrepreneurs to get the most out of a conference? Especially when the conference is labelled as North America’s fastest-growing tech conference.
Photo by Collision Conference
I have the privilege to attend the Collision Conference, which runs from April 20-22nd. With the size of the attendees of 40,000 people and quality of speakers speaking in the event, including actor Ryan Reynolds; head of the Facebook app, Fidji Simo; and Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, this event undoubtedly deserves its tag as “The Olympics of tech”.
From my perspective, I am looking at this as an event objective and tools, ways to connect with people during the event and how do people market themselves during the conference.
Event Objective and Tools
From the event marketing perspective, here’s some thought in mind as below:
- What would be my key learning from this event as an attendee?
- How do you get to nurture better connections with people online?
- How do you ensure you get suitable activities in line with your profession and interest?
For starters, who have never been to Collision, the organizers provided a web and mobile app as your event companion, helping the first-timer to this conference navigate the event schedule and discover the people and companies you’ll want to meet.
Ways to Connect With People During the Event
(Event Type From Easiest to do to Hardest To Connect)
- Mingling (three-minute speed networking sessions matchmade by Collision tech team algorithms) – easiest to do as the app connects to random people who will talk
- Roundtable session (small group discussions on a particular topic and connect with the main session speaker).
- A masterclass session is when you listen to a speaker’s presentation and get the slide. I remembered many masterclasses, with one of my favourites being from the Amazon team, where they advise mental health and how to handle business development.
- There are snippets of sharing during Collision events on their Facebook Page (topics such as TikTok Resume, PepsiCo Ad on Pre-Pandemic Lives and Startup Up Business Tips Summary From Pynck).
Photo by Collision Facebook Page
How can people market their business during such a conference? There are few ways people do this and just a personal view of the pros and cons of doing this.
1. They are offering free tools in chat messages throughout the event. The situation works with a scenario where a developer is trying to test ideas with a brand owner looking for a great product.
Pro’s: People Will See Your Message With Some May Try Your Company Tool (for free is preferable by the audience) and in the process, you get the connect for feedback
Con’s: Due to the event having a mass audience, the people who try your tool may not be your target users, and the feedback may be biased.
2. Building relationships with initial messages and leading to 1 to 1 meetup with people online.
Pro’s: More targeted people that may relate to your needs,
Con’s: Some preparation needed to filter and prepare personalized messages to the speakers or people you want to connect with would be helpful. An example message template was used by a startup founder who wants to connect with industry expert client to get their view on understanding the problem faced in their working lifestyle.
3. Optional (sending well wishes to connect on chat message and followed up on Linkedin)
Pro’s : Less Salesy
Con’s: Not much authentic connection made at the chat message (unless either party takes conversation on next step)
Enhancing Event Experience Guide
From the invitation email received, initial brief by the organizer on what to do before the event (for startup networker), how to navigate using the Collision Essential Guide, all this prepares a better event experience.
To cap personal experience, I do remember this quote from Collision’s social media page, which I find true, “Although times may be uncertain, one thing remains true. There’s a simple power in people coming together.”
Note: All views in this post is from the author personal view. Find the material For Better Event Experience Of Collision Conference, here.
Elton Kuah is a certified marketer and digital marketing expert specialising in B2B market research, B2B lead generation and data analytics (3D). He has more than 10 years of significant experience working with market research for consulting companies such as M-Brain, Asiabiz Strategy, MARTEC and Hero Chemical Hong Kong. He is also a business advisor for Alphazetta.ai, a leading global network for independent analytics experts. You may follow him on website and LinkedIn.