Tahun 2021 ini adalah tahun bekerjasama, tiada pilihan
Jangan sakitkan hati trainer lain dengan sengaja "tumpang iklan"
Kita perlu definisikan sendiri maksud "kejayaan"
Usah bimbang jika kita dicop sebagai seorang jurujual
Slaid pembentangan sepatutnya membantu penyampaian isi penting, bukan mengalih perhatian peserta daripada fokus utama, iaitu trainer itu sendiri.
It's no longer just about business, it's about technological change, mindset & culture.
Adakah ia sekadar bekas seperti maksud literalnya?
Dengan "goal setting" dan juga "system setting", kita akan mempunyai peluang yang lebih cerah untuk mencapai azam 2021
2021 adalah gerbang permulaan pengembangan digital pada skala yang lebih pantas dan meluas berbanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya
Part of growth and maturity is the ability to take ownership of both the good and bad out of any...
Maintaining a good relationship with your ex-employer is important
My only hope is that we review our approach every now and then to ensure that we do not take...
As trainers, would you emphasize on your point of view or empathise on the participant’s perspective?
Gunakan saluran media sosial bagi meningkatkan kepimpinan pemikaran sebagai sebahagian daripada strategi pemasaran anda
About 300 participants were trained on the Internet of Things (IoT) and Entrepreneurship
Financial access provides credit for the most promising firms promotes growth for enterprises
Dear my future self...
By, Lina Hendrawati Optimistic, street-smart, and extroverted. These are the three words that best describe former Miss Malaysia (1982) who...
A girl who strive to inspire people to make a changes on their life
She is also the founder of True Complexion and a song-writer
Change isn’t a scary concept; it can bring you positivity
Never let go of love
Here are some tips that I personally practice to accelerate my adaptability
It takes 2 to tango in order to establish and sustain a High-Performance Organization
And the debate continues...
...know the 5 truths about EQ
While being positive is great, that is not the only coping mechanism
The Noble Heroes of our Childhoods
The Glass Ceiling that I had hit throughout the next phases of my career, thought me several key survival skills
Enforce the Rules While the Mistake is Still Manageable!
Here is a brief about these three interconnected disciplines for basic awareness and consideration.
SWOT analysis enabled Proton to make that critical decision in moving forward with their partnership with Geely.
It should always be done in person, in a timely manner, in pairs, in plain language and with compassion
Pengumpulan maklumat sebagai sebahagian daripada proses perancangan strategik dapat membentuk strategi organisasi
In a world where everything is in a short text that is snappy, simplified and quick – wouldn’t the best...
Let's hope for a miracle happen, starting with the crude oil price going up fast and COVID-19 outbreak stop immediately...
These are simple tips but yet effective to minimize the risk of job seekers' job applications being neglected by HR...
Being aware of our mental preferences (and avoidance) is the key to begin listening better
Employee branding isn't just about the image you present - it's about who you are
This sentiment is highest among more Generation-X workers, with 92 percent of respondents aged from 35 to 44 years old...
Comprehensive marketing is a necessary component for developing a new product or service for the market
"We have re-evaluated our operations in full with the help of the authorities and carried out the necessary measures
YouTube is a platform where creativity thrives, it’s a tool for people worldwide to share their passion, no matter how...
Continues to be on guard during RMCO phase
Pandangan professional, kajian COVID-19, hab informasi dan sumber atas talian untuk membantu ahli, rakan kongsi, organisasi dan bakal akauntan untuk...
A Video Collection of Best Practice Tips for Agencies
Younger workers need to be more marketable by equipping themselves with relevant technical and soft skills
The seven concerned celebrities hope that Celepets Care will be able to alleviate the burden carried by underprivileged women
What are the five myths?