If you are struggling with money, you are not alone. Money is one of the causes of stress and worry to most people. I used to struggle with money but fast forward to today I am relaxed, peaceful and stressed because I know that my needs will always be met now and always.
Yes, imagine being stress free because you know that the money will come and your needs are taken cared of, now and always.
Money was scarce when I was growing up. My dad died of a heart attack when I was 9 and he left us with nothing, no money, nor inheritance. I witnessed how my housewife single parent mom worked hard to earn and profit from her passion of cooking to raise three kids alone. At 16, I started working as a customer service crew of Kentucky Fried Chicken to finance my education.
My first salary is P11.375 ($.23). I used to ask God every day, why do I have to suffer when my classmates are just enjoying and living a normal life. At 26, I was buried in debt because I accumulated debt of P555,000 ($11K) – P80,000 credit card loan and P475,000 housing loan.
Unfortunately, no academic education nor 6 years of working experience taught me how to manage my money. When I started earning money, I thought that pampering myself, my mom and my family by swiping my credit card is a wise decision because it is the price we all deserved after suffering for over 20 years.
My debts haunted me and kept me awake at night because in my calculation, I need 10-15 years to pay all these debts. The best solution that came to my mind is leaving the Philippines because I know how working outside the country helped other members of mommy’s clan have a comfortable life. Yes, that became the solution to my problem because I became debt free in 1 year after leaving the Philippines.
I thought I got my finances sorted out because I was debt free but my spending habits seem to keep up with my earning and I have very minimal savings. I find myself doing retail shopping when I am feeling sad and it got worse when I was experiencing burnout and silent depression in 2014. I found myself shopping every weekend to fill the unhappiness and emptiness within.
Thankfully, T.Harv’s Eker millionaire mind training in 2017 gave me clarity how my relationship with money is the core reason why I struggled with money. The lack of money during my childhood is negatively impacting my current spending on how I am buying myself and my kids’s unnecessary stuff like toys, shoes, clothes to heal the unfulfilled and unmet needs when I was a child.
Here are 3 steps to help you stop struggling with money because I learned that MONEY is abundant if you understand how it works.
Know your relationship with money
The first step to stop struggling financially is by understanding your relationship with money. Stop and ask yourself,
- What are your thoughts about money? Is it good or bad?
- What do you feel about money? Are you scared or do you feel guilty spending because you think that you might run out of money?
- What are your money spending habits? Do you spend more than you earn?
Knowing your thoughts, feelings, actions about money is important because I was able to land my dream job and salary and help my clients land their job promotion by doing only one thing – CLEARING the negative beliefs and experiences about money through NLP.
Yes, I learned that the money that you want also wants you but you need to have a positive relationship with money. Watch the video now and discover simple tools that the speakers and I shared to help you have a healthy relationship with money. https://youtu.be/CBQkUklx9W0
Know your spending habits
To stop struggling financially, knowing your spending habits is critical because it is important to know how much you are earning and how much you are spending. You only need a pen and a paper or you can use an excel file or an app to get your finances in order.
Reviewing your spending is important because in most cases, myself and a lot people are struggling financially because of 3 reasons:
- Your spending is more than your income
- Your spending money on “wants”
- Your spending money to nourish the emotional and unmet needs of your past or your childhood
Know how to heal your relationship
To stop your financial struggles, healing yourself is the most important process because if you fail to fulfill the emptiness inside, you will fill yourself with material stuff.
When I started volunteering my time to train and coach others, my retail shopping automatically stopped. This is my heart and soul is filled with happiness beyond money can buy.
There are many ways to heal yourself and here are some ways:
- Forgive yourself for your wrong decisions about money and spending because forgiveness is the doorway to grace
- Give thanks in everything because this is how you can use the law of attraction in positive action when you say thanks to the money that comes to you and money that comes out. Watch the video now and discover more about the principle of gratitude
- Use affirmations because your words have power. Bible affirmations about money are useful to empower you mind, heart and soul with positive thoughts
Watch the video now because I am sure that you will learn a lot about money, debt management and stewardship from our expert mommy guest speakers Dottie Fonte, a financial coach and Margaret Mekaat, a financial wellbeing coach.
Working Moms Academy is facilitating these webinars because we believe that “moms learning from other moms” is one of the best ways to grow so moms can succeed personally and professionally.
Mindfulness and money management are some of the most important skills that individuals especially moms need to learn as studies say that moms manage the family’s expenses—utility bills, housing, healthcare, food, the costs of raising children and more.
If you are ready to create the life that you want, Working Moms Academy is looking forward to supporting you through our weekly 1 hour group coaching so you can stop struggling with your finances and start living the life you want. Get coached, clear and connected how you can- overcome stress, find balance and bliss so you can “have it all” – personal and professional success in your own terms and conditions, register now and discover how this program can help you.
Wanda is the Founder of Working Moms Academy. She is on a mission to help stressed and burnt-out working moms find balance and bliss, redefine and take action so moms can "have it all” - personal and professional success. Connect with her on LinkedIn, book her for a coaching call or email her at caltantraining@gmail.com.