If you are finding life challenging now, you are not alone because everyone and everybody is suffering from something. I experienced burnout in 2014. I felt unhappy, empty and lonely but living mindfully helped me overcome burnout.
Yes, imagine being happy for no reason.
Yes, it is all possible. Read until the end and discover 31 ways to help you find happiness now through simple mindfulness exercises.
There are days I felt depleted, disappointed and demotivated despite my personal and professional success. I was suppressing every negative emotion because my logic tells me I have no right to be unhappy or empty.
But suppression led to depression, burnout and unexplainable sickness that inflicted my kids and negatively impacted my work and my relationship with my husband.
One day I woke up and decided to live life differently and mindfully.
I questioned everything including my own existence and started asking a lot of questions …..
- Who am I?
- Why am I here?
- What am I meant to do?
It took time for me to find the answers but thankfully after 6 years, it is all clear.
I am here to share my burnout to bliss journey so others can find the blessing in their burden, purpose in their pain and the gift in their grief.
Living mindfully can help you find happiness now and always because for me, living mindfully means being aware, appreciative and active to take ownership of your happiness every second of every day.
When I took 100% responsibility for my own happiness, I stopped blaming others for my circumstances and I started taking action to become my own source of happiness and fulfillment.
If you want to become happier this March, I am looking forward to this Mindful March calendar from the Action for Happiness helping you find happiness by living mindfully every day.
Watch this video now and understand more how you can overcome stress and burnout mindfully. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_XTsBQF2NI
Watch out for the live stream this March in Working Moms Academy’s youtube channel to discover how you can apply this 31 Ways to Find Happiness this Mindful March.
Happiness is a decision and a choice you and everyone else have birthright to. Follow the simple and short exercises everyday and I am sure that you will be happier.
This video from my eldest daughter when she was 6 years old about the meaning of happiness always brings a smile to my face because it keeps me reminded of what true happiness means.
I look forward to her thoughts reminding you that you can find happiness from your heart (not from anybody else) because it is your choice to be happy.
This poem always saved me from my own drama and I hope it can also help you overcome demands and pressures of your day.
I feel fragmented
Like a broken pot of clay
I’ve lost my focus
I’ve lost my way
I’ve poured myself out
I’m drained, I’m dry
I sense a discontent
I can’t identify
I feel rootless
Like a rolling tumbleweed
Moving, moving
Dizzy from the speed
I feel like quitting
I feel self-doubt
I’m tired Lord
I’m worn out
How can I integrate
My scattered thoughts
My dreams?
How can I find balance
Freedom from extremes
How can I slow down?
How can I release?
There are so many pressures
How can I find peace?
My child, be still
Listen to your feelings
Discipline your will
Come to the garden
The secret place we share
My essence in the Garden
Come to me in prayer
Transcend worldly cares
Seek the kingdom first
Peace lies within
It is for me you thirst
Accept your limitations
Embrace humility
Here lies the path to wisdom
And to maturity.
Come to the Garden
The soul’s sweet bouquet
The flowers of tomorrow
Are in the seeds of today
TOGETHER we will weed
TOGETHER we will sow
TOGETHER we will water
TOGETHER we will grow
Year 2020: To Remember Or To Forget?
Wanda is the Founder of Working Moms Academy. She is on a mission to help stressed and burnt-out working moms find balance and bliss, redefine and take action so moms can "have it all” - personal and professional success. Connect with her on LinkedIn, book her for a coaching call or email her at caltantraining@gmail.com.