MGID, the global pioneer in native advertising, has announced it will only charge buyers for 100% viewable native advertising placements, as well as content recommendation widgets, using the Media Ratings Council (MRC) Viewable Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines as its viewability criteria.
The viewability guidelines are “intended to provide guidance for the measurement of viewable impressions that supplement existing IAB Measurement Guidelines for display advertising and digital video advertising.” With the aid of these industry standards, MGID can offer its clients viewability pricing on native ad formats, including content recommendations.
According to the MRC, an ad impression can be classed as viewable when 50% of an ad’s pixels remain in the viewable space of the browser window or on an in-focus browser tab. The length of time the ad is in the viewable space of the browser is also used to establish the viewability of an impression. MGID is already fully compliant with the MRC, so it will go an extra step in offering its clients a 100% native ad viewability guarantee over the MRC standard.
Sergii Denysenko, Chief Executive Officer at MGID Global, commented: “We strive to offer high-quality native content recommendations and advertisements, and this is supported by our 100% viewability billing model. For media buyers, we ensure they only pay for the ads that have been viewed, rather than impressions or accidental clicks. Furthermore, fewer impressions counted will result in higher bids for publishers, hence a higher CPM; therefore it is a win-win for the native ecosystem.