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Azleen Abdul Rahim

Outsourcing Your Social Media Marketing: Pros and Cons

Before you start considering the decision for your brand, perhaps you may want to go through these pros and cons that come along with it.

When brands decided to outsource their social media management, they did it for many reasons. Among them are limited resources, incapable of internal people to run them and less headache for the management team or business owners. Before you start considering the decision for your brand, perhaps you may want to go through these pros and cons that come along with it.

Here are the top pros:

  1. Those people have by far better experience, skills, knowledge and expertise than you.
  2. The gig is a full-time job.
  3. You don’t have to crack your head in managing the operations and problems.
  4. There’s no need to spend your precious time on it, focus on what you do best.
  5. They may be able to help you meet your objective earlier than you thought.

And here are the cons that you might want to consider:

  1. They are being in control.
  2. Their brand message may not be yours.
  3. If hired wrongly, the agency or freelancer themselves couldn’t be able to pull it off better than you personally either.
  4. The investment could be way above your head, and that’s per month!

Always be doing your homework before hiring the outsourcing party. Some quick ways to find the right social media management company or freelancer for your stunt are as follows:

  1. Verify their profile, so many are sugar coating it to make them look ‘unbeatable’.
  2. Google their name to double check who they say they are.
  3. Get them to offer some clients’ names as a reference, and observe their social media game.

Good luck. You’re going to need that.

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Written By

Azleen Abdul Rahim is the Co-Founder of Marketing In Asia. He also runs NSE, a social media management company. Follow him on LinkedIn.

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